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This system may contain Government, University or Student information, which is restricted to authorized users ONLY. Unauthorized access, use, misuse, or modification of this computer system or of the data contained herein or in transit to/from this system constitutes a violation of state and federal laws including, but not limited to Title 18, United States Code, Section 1030, and may subject the individual to Criminal and Civil penalties pursuant to Title 26, United States Code, Sections 7213(a), 7213A (the Taxpayer Browsing Protection Act), and 7431.

This system and equipment are subject to monitoring. Such monitoring may result in the acquisition, recording and analysis of all data being communicated, transmitted, processed or stored in this system by a user. If monitoring reveals possible evidence of misuse or criminal activity, such evidence may be provided to appropriate officials including but not limited to law enforcement personnel.

ANYONE USING THIS SYSTEM EXPRESSLY CONSENTS TO SUCH MONITORING and HAS NO EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY for any activity, access, use or information stored or communicated via this system.

Release: 8.11